I've started this post a few times today. Each try got scrapped. I couldn't quite find the words that conveyed what I wanted to say. And then I found this quote from Emil Zatopek (one of the greatest runners of the 2oth century): 'It's at the borders of pain and suffering that the men are separated from the boys.' This encapsulates it for me.

As I watched Andrew coming around the bend of the track in Amsterdam's Olympic Stadium I think I felt the proudest I've ever felt, and I have to admit that I kinda welled up a bit. Here was my husband running down the track, obviously hurting, but still going even after 42 kilometres. He's my man. And I love him for giving it his best.

If you want to see him coming around the track, clutching his bottom (big cramps!) then click here. It's about halfway through that you see him coming - look for the tall guy, big hair, orange shirt, baggy blue shorts, number 1506. Yah, that's my husband!
well done crazy man.
very proud
love trin
he waves at you. thats awesome. was he waving randomly or were you screaming amidst the tears?
I was screaming my little lungs out, you know the Macdonald girl lungs! And he gave me the sign for love, aaaaw.
Take a look at the bottom of the four sisters page, a visitor map. I'm not sure that it's telling the truth though, it shows up A LOT of visitors but not you?!? Maybe we're being stalked!!!
Hey A, Your hard core- WELL flamin done Mr Marathon!!! XXX
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