Sunday 24 May 2009

The Makings of Me

Bread for lunches tomorrow. Yummy wholegrain hightop. Yum Yum Yum.
Pretty table centrepeices using limes and a beautiful old tablecloth I found somewhere.
Pikelets for recesses tomorrow. I wrapped the rest but there were about 6 left. I turned my back and the pikelet fairies grabbed them and magicked them off to fairyland.
A sideways fabric scarf for Kenzi although it could be a little longer, So this may be for Emi or Maddi!
A winter coat for a special friend of ours who is turning 1 on Saturday.


Calli Strawberry Jam said...

Yay for sharing makings on the blog, mine were feeling all a bit lonesome but now they're in the company of lots of FANTASTIC makings.

Linny said...

Nice tablecloth! I got a retro looking one at the op-shop whilst mum was over and she said you would like it! It is currently being bombarded with playdough by emily!