I've got red food colouring and I'll buy pink when I'm in the UK. I think I can find the decorations. It's just the cakes that are the problem. Does anyone have a recipe for cupcakes that rise this high? Most cupcakes I've seen on the net are normal size and then a whole stack of icing is piped in a swirl in the top to give it height. Help me out here sisters!
And this is my other idea. I've just been out scavenging on the streets, picking up a whole pile of small terracotta pots. I'm going to paint them like this (but funkier):

But probably use them like this:

Sure hope it all works out. My baking reputation is on the line here!
I will get onto it...although my cupcakes never rise like that. I would possibly buy a cupcake normal tin and then one of those rounded bottom ones and add them to the top of the...kind of like a mushroom.
I have a cupcake book and will look at it in the morning.
You will do a beautiful job and they will love it, no matter how it turns out. Let me know if I can get you anything. Martha stewart I think had some pretty Cake stand ideas and used cup cakes.
More info in the morning.
This is a cute cake stand also.
Ferry - check out www.wilton.com
It's an american website dedicated to baking and decorating! They have stuff for sale but also they have recipes and decorating ideas. I have only found this one recently so haven't checked it out thoroughly but am told it's very good to get ideas from. Also, their cupcakes look very similar to the ones you want to make-high rising! So the recipes on this site may help with that issue. Like I said, I haven't had a chance to bake any yet...but they look good! Love Linny xox
Hey sisters,
Thankyou so much, I love that I can get help from across the world!
Trin-the cupcake holder is really nice, I just don't know where I could get the stuff to make it. Maybe I could improvise...
Linny-just had a quick squiz through wilton.com and I think it will be really handy for figuring a recipe. I love that it has a cross section of the cupcake so you can see what it looks like.
Had a chat with mummy for you,
She suggested adding a bit extra mixture into the paty cake tin but making sure you dont put too much in there to make it over flow and not rise nicely.
A balancing act is required...
thats all we can suggest.
hope it works out.
Spani and Aunty Gai
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