Thursday, 8 October 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears..ha ha

I so wanted to start this post with a witty and oh so clever quote, but my brain and body are tired and I have nothing. Kenzi has been unwell (of course, Pobj is away) and so sleepless nights have been on the agenda - Connor says he has not slept a wink either...although I do beg to differ every time I go into the bedroom and he is snoring away like.....well Like Grandpa really.
Our road trip was a huge success....apart from Kenzi being homesick (although I tend to think it is really a very nasty cold, Dr. Kenzi says it was homesickness)
No doubt the pictures will speak for themselves, suffice to say that roadtrippin' with Mumma and Grandpa is Grand and unforgettable, memory making and wonderful.
Thank you so much Mumma and Grandpa for being people who value experiences over possessions and help us to learn and grow and admire the world that God has created for us.
So, without further ado.......OUR DUBBO ROADTRIP

These were a few of the cuter exhibits at the zoo. I so wanted to take them home...but unfortunately they wanted to stay!

Ok, so we did the jumping photo's..although by this time Connor was injured and couldn't jump. That's him, you see the head in the background. Everyone else managed to get good air. Well done Dad, Mum and Kenzi!
The hippo was hungry for some Kenzi while Connor was having fun smacking the rhino!

Giraffes and a very sick baby girl.

This is the tiger part of the lions and tigers and bears!

Did you know that elephants have over 2000 muscles in there trunks fact we learnt!

This white man can jump!

Some monkeys we found, very cheeky!

Look at his long arms.

The playful otters began to get a little too playful while we were watching...and yes I blushed and hurried Connor and Kenzi away!


A scene that met me as I came around a corner. They were finding their zen or something!

Giant pooing and weeing creatures. Connor loved these because the one that is weeing went on weeing for the whole time we were watching. He is such a boy!

Handsome Man lion

Waiting to see the lion feeding.

Jumping in Dunedoo (Just to show my sisters that I too can play the game and am a little off the earth. Ok, so it is more of a bounce than a jump, but come on I am the eldest and have the longest legs and deserve a little bit of praise because I tried.)

And this, this is the finish. I think the one on the left is a flamingo. The next one a smiling happy hyena. And the next two, well they look awfully like the monkeys we found at the zoo. Two very cheeky, happy, excited and spoilt monkeys, who I snuck out and bought home with me, so that we could practise our jumping together!


Anonymous said...

aaaaawwww, what a lovely story. You could put it into book form and read it over and over.
Love to see you guys if you have some free time over the hols. Remember me Trin?

Calli Strawberry Jam said...

Man, this looks GOOD. I spent a few moments hacking my guts up cause I was laughing so hard over the jumping and the amorous animals! How come we never road tripped when I was living in Oz? This is going to have to continue so I can come along sometime!

Kt Mac said...

Yey for Zoos, road trips, wild animals and the jump factor of small but impressive for my old frail sister!!! Sooo cool. Love the turtle jumping Dad one, he just looks like a young funny lad! The hippo looked happy to eat you Kenzi! And Connor, I hope you got out all your slaps before you met the real Rhinos- they may not have reacted so calmly!! Super duper trip and yey to experinces rather then fade-able and breakable gifts! xxx

Linny said...

cool zoo trip! but i can't stop laughing over dad's facial expressions when he jumps!! And the last photo of all four jumping...i don't think he looks like a flamingo...more like a dog lifting his leg and relieving himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!