I hate not commenting on all your posts, but I am back logged so I will start again as of now..although Cal I do think the 1 leather rope looks bettera and K your owl is scrumptious (you know he is cause Connor has already ordered one.
Leaving you with something I whipped up today for a friends new baby girl Miss O. (I now need to make one for Miss M, you know who I mean and am thinking that a smaller version with a pocket in with a handmade slide would be good for farewell gifts for school friends, the girls at least!)
That is sooo cute! I especially love the bunting. Yay for Mac girl creativeness!
Nice one Trinny! Love the mushrooms on the material and the cute fairy behind the door! I had some nice fairy stamps once upon a time... don't ask me where they got to! No creative juices flowing over here at moment! Don't even have my sewing machine back out yet! Woe is me!!
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