Things have been crazy here at the four sisters....yep crazier than normal. A new Bub, one still cooking but just about done and a nasty little accident, has our heads all in a whirl.
This crazy time and place in our history is a space for me to take stock of who I am and what I love.
For me... I am family. A lot of who I am and who I have become is all because of my family before, now and forever. And just quietly, I kinda like who me is! Family taught/teaches me the big stuff: God and Grace, love and friendship, cooking and cleaning, building and making, loyalty and much stuff.
And as to who I love...well that is easy. I love my family. I know that you know it, but sometimes it's good to just say it. You are all awesome, different, wonderful, fabulous and very, very precious. It is hard to imagine a life that does not include each one of you in it.....and I guess in a way because you are part of who I am I will always, always have you. You are part of me, a very special, adored part of me that I cherish dearly every day.
And so the point of this post...none really, only a chance to say thank you for being family and being crazy and loving me.
Yup, yup, yup. Family are the bestest. I love our family to bits too.
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