became this:
I've wanted to try making sourdough for ages but the whole starting and growing and feeding a starter just sounded plain old scary so when a lady on freecycle offered some starter I was in! The starter is from the first sourdough bakery that was started in Melbourne and it's about 40 years old. Starters change and evolve depending on what you feed them and where they are (they pick up wild yeast from the air so sourdough tastes different all over the world) so my bread probably won't taste like the Melbourne bread.
I love that the bread I now bake has a history, different people would have cared for and loved this starter over the years so there's a little bit of all their stories included in my dough. Now it's my turn to add to the mix.
WOW! That looks amazing - i could almost eat the pictures...I love that Langlan will love to cook and do all the fun stuff his amazing parents do.
You are creating history as well as being part of it every single day.Thanks for making MY day by posting something in yours xx
love you Cal xx
so do you share with sisters in newcastle who may be very excited about sour dough starter and all?
I had no idea what the crumpet you were on about!!! Then Mummsy told me and I was all moist eyed as my little ticker is very sentimental and it loved the fact that you have a little piece of geelong melbourne that will nuture and grow with you forever if you so chose it. Such a strange and wonderful thing. xxx
Nice looking bread...but what's with your bed-head?!?
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