Miss Mackenzi loved it and immediately had to do some cooking.
She made me take lots of photos in lots of different poses. Presents from Uncles and Aunties are so special and much loved.
Connor had an excursion to the Hunter Valley Cheese Factory and to the Hunter Valley Gardens. It was lots of fun.
The cheeses were awesome.
The Story Book garden spoke to the kid inside me. I wanted to wander aimlessly through the many paths and happen upon another of my childhood and adult favourite characters - however I was the responsible adult in charge of 4 kids!!!!
We did get to take some great photo's, even though they thought I was crazy getting them to pose on a garbage bin in the shape of a hat!
Just a short blog tonight. The ending of daylight saving has done crazy things to all our sleeping patterns. Connor and Kenzi are currently waking at 4:30 and expecting porridge and pasta respectively for breakfast. Honestly, no self respecting Mother needs to be awake at that time! Hopefully the school holidays will get their little sleep patterns back into order. Yawn - otherwise I am shipping them off to Amsterdam or Dublin or New Zealand!
Good Night All!
So glad that Kenzi likes the apron, we thought she might. And your robot impersonation is awesome in the pic with Linny, is that a lampshade on your head??
Kenzi looooooves the apron!
thank you Thankyou. Like I said contact and gifts speak volumes to my babies.
Yep a bright orange lamp shade! Cool hey!
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