Today we went to a performance at a theatre at the University. It was amazing. We couldn't take photo's of the performance, but here are my enraptured children!
As I was sitting in this theatre that I have not been in for years I was transported back to a moment in time when the Dungog Highschool Rock band played for a music concert in the same theatre. I was a bit of a groupy, drooling all over the boys and their mullets, tossing my permed hair and battering my eyelids ever so seductively and innocently in their direction. Mmmmmm, those good old 80's - who would have thought I would look back fondly one day. Any way, I just remember this rock band playing, the top floor nearly falling down because there were way too many groupies jumping the top floor and me thinking they were the greatest band in the world!
Time has moved on and I now think that permed hair should be outlawed, batting eyelids innocently leads to big trouble and the best band in the world.....well at the moment it is a toss up between The Beetles and The Supremes. I am glad time moves on.
Woohoo, Trin's now a kids concert groupie! I remember hearing about that concert, I always thought you and Linli were so cool. Still do.
Glad you like the new look. Had a bit of an issue with the pictures so played around with a few different ones until I could get this one up. Andrew thinks the new look is posh.
Wish I could spend some holiday time with you and your gang. Andrew's off to South Africa on Monday and then we're going to Turkey the week after, then Mum and Kati get here. The holidays are going to zoom.
Oodles of love.
Kenzi's hair is gorgeous she's gana be funky and alternate like us. Connors is a yawn or pure rapture- He was well excited if it's rapture! And your memories are fun- you look beautiful gorgeous blue eyes and amazing chubby beautiful smile. Do you remember when mobiles came out and you and Lin had a curly wired wall phone in your car that you use to use at traffic lights???!!!!! You guys were cool!!!!!
Hey I'm not sure about this were cool thing. I thonk my two baby sisters need to think we are still cool....mmmm how can I make that happen....let me sleep on it.
Love you all.
Thanks for making me look cool back then Linny.
Love Trin
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