Sometimes there are moments when I feel like a bad mother...actually sometimes there are whole days when I feel like a bad mother......actually sometimes whole weeks go by and I wonder what I have inputted into the lives of my children to make them reasonable, self reliant, impacting human beings!
I am in one of those moments right now. I love the school holidays, but these ones have been particularly trying. The kids have been mukin' up, running amuck and being general toads.
I ask myself what I am doing wrong. They are great kids most of the time...but lately I want to package them up and send them to Siberia...or maybe Amsterdam???? or New Zealand???? or somewhere in Italy?????
I need to remember that my self worth is not caught up in how well my children behave...that's what I need to remember. I also need to remember that every one needs to let their hair down occasionally and I also need to remember that there are no perfect children no matter what anybody says!
OK, end of grumbles! I love my babies and they are growing up so quickly.
End of rant!
We all know that you are a superbly wonderful mum no matter what your kids get up to. And there'd be no funny stories if your kids were boring and always followed the rules.
We think you ROCK.
Oh Trinny, I don't understand as I am not a mother yet. I do look forward to being one (?) and when my children are having 'purple weeks' I will be on the phone to you or you will find them in your letter box!!! You rock. Your kids will rock. Count to 10 and play Calli's 10 reasons why i should be thankful game it always helps me! Sometimes you just can't win the battle but the war you can win and that is the important thing I love you XXX Kt Mac
Thanks guys. You are wonderful and encouraging. Just having a bad week I guess!
Adding to the mix today with a friends little one to look after!. He's under one and very cute and I think will be a welcome distraction for the kids! The weather is fantastic so we are doing lots of walking and bike riding.
Thanks for being awesome sisters and understanding that it was just a rant, something I needed to get off my chest and move on - even though it is in a public forum tye place!
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