Firstly I am doing the 20 minutes for 20 days that Meet me At Mikes has embarked upon. I started yesterday and it was wonderful to be up walking at 5:30am and seeing the sunrise. I also realised as I walked/jogged slowly past our local bakery that there was no beautiful bread baking smells...hmmmm very disappointing!
Secondly I am jumping on the gardening wagon. I have been inspired by baby sister in this. That Zucchini was awesome and while we cannot have zucchini vines that crawl everywhere we have weeded and hoed and watered reading our pre-spring soil for all the yummy salad vegetables that we are going to plant.Kenzi and I made a small scarecrow today to go in our basil pot. We will make a bigger one for our garden. Today I feel like planting sunflowers and lettuce. I will consult the trusty Yates garden guide and see just what I need to put in and what will yield good stuff!I think that is all the wagons today....who know what tomorrow will bring!
And Brenton is going to Indonesia. Money has been coming out of the woodwork....we are so blessed. Full story when it has finished.
Hooray, hooray! I'm sure you don't need too much area for zucchini plants, all we have is about 1.5 mtrs by 3, maybe 4 mtrs. Heading there in the morning hoping for lots more yummies.
Yayus about money for Brenton to go to Indonesia! How much does he need?
Love oodles,
He needed $2500. He was $300 short as of this afternoon, but my tax cheque came in and we can use some of that and still be OK. It is rather cool how God works.
Also trying to work on a food budget for us. I think at the moment I need to be just cooking healthy filling meals and trying to budget for around $60 a week. The problem withrecipe books is that some ingredients are expensive. Have worked out that I need to stick to a basic menu and when we are on a better income can experiment again. I love thinking creatively and budgeting. It appeals to my organised side also...yes I do have one hidden deep down! have a great time finishing your semester of Uni. Almost done lovey. See you soon!
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