So, I'm stuffed. I am working and I forgot how hard it was to be a Mummy and a wife and a teacher and a sister and a daughter and a friend, etc, etc. I am ever so thankful for the opportunity to not work. We survive on a small wage because we choose to and I love that we can. I also Long for time to sew...I miss it. So I am Stuffed. (Kids throwing up all over the place does not help!)
Kenzi however, is sad. This afternoon she cried for half an hour because the winter colour that we planted in our garden has now come to an end. She cried because all the spring flowers were blooming and her winter flowers were brown instead of the beautiful purple and white that they have been for 3 weeks. She sobbed and unfair that her flowers do not get to enjoy spring like all the other things in our garden! Ahhhhhh, the harsh reality of the circle of life.
Oh, and I promise I will be back soonish, sometime, somehow. I just needed not to feel obligated, but I do love it so. I love seeing your lives. Somehow it makes me feel less stuffed, less tired, less sad....somehow.
Kenzi looks so grown up in the bottom picture. Wow. And it's so beautiful that she cried for her flowers. Really, really.
I love you loads. Hope soon you'll only be stuffed with love, family, friends, food, sunshine, and all other good things. I also think it's amazing that you guys have chosen to live on a small wage and do the things you want. Like being a Mummy.
Oooh yes, kenzi looking all grown up! Was nice to chat with her on skype yesterday...although she was most interested in covering up the camera with her hand!!! Keep smiling Trinny...don't know how you do it! I am exhausted just looking after the girls...let alone working you...
if i can do anything, anytime to help you...plesae yell ouy. yell loud so i can hear you across about 5 suburbs or send me an email and you don't have to yell at all.
I would love to see you, and despite the mess and permanent craziness at our place you and your gang are always welcome. Come join in the craziness for a short time or a meal or a play...we do all that stuff around our other worlds of school, work, dad and 4 teenagers lives. It's kinda fun!
I LOVE both of these picts... She is a special special girl even if she doesn't like my gifts!!!! XXX
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