When you are all uninspired as to what you are going to do for Christmas cards for your class and Aunti Strawberry sends your mummy some deliciously creative and beautiful paintings what is a girl to do but copy them and add her own flare. Seriously, this girl is unstoppable and very independent...oh and she learnt to knit this week as well! She may have tonsillitis, but it sure has hampered her creativity and spunk! (Rudolf redesign is for the boys.) Kenzi says a big thank you to Aunti Calli for the inspiration and for allowing her to copy an idea and for making her Christmas cards great.
cool as cucumber cards and we all love copy-ing in and out of our circle!! XXX
Kenzi, you're a superstar and sooooo creative! I love the customisation of the painting, very cool! I want to see the knitting next.
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