I don't know how it happened, but 5 minutes ago I was throwing up in a bathroom sink in Balmain, with my baby sister asking if she could do anything....and now I have a 9 year old who jokes about throwup and wee and poo and bottoms and all. How did that happen?
You throw a seriously good party Big Sister! Remember when the drain was all clogged up and the vomit wouldn't go down. Eeeeeew. Maybe that's something we'd both rather forget!
Can't believe Connor only wants me to 'maybe' come over and Kenzi only 50 out of 100. I'm telling myself that Kenzi doesn't know percentages yet!
Trin!!!! and next minute they have finished their final Yr 12 HSC exam! As of half an hour ago that's my baby girl. I really can't believe it.
they say time flies when you get old....mate, we will have to hold onto our hats if it goes much faster! R xx
Cool as party, sorry I wasn't invited!!! And Connor I will eventually get a gift along with a big sloppy kiss!!! All 9yr old boys should get wet kisses and head noggies from their adoring aunts!! Cool party Trin glad it was Cal and not me with the vomit I really don't like the stuff!!! XXX
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