The weather has been H.O.T. here for the past little while so lots of window-sitting and water-spraying has been happening. It's been so great having this time to sit and observe things going on outside on the street. Here are a few of the happenings...

I spied this little car out the window during the World Cup. Not a great paint job but the owner's commitment to his team was impressive.

The Dutch football team returned slightly triumphantly from the World Cup (they came second). There was only going to be a canal parade if they won, but obviously someone decided that second deserved a parade too! The route took them right past our window. People started arriving 4 or 5 hours before the parade was scheduled to start, these Dutchies are keen. It was pretty cool though, there were songs, flags, vevuzelas, Mexican waves around the canal, swimmers in the canal, Police trying to wet people on the side of the canal with waves from their boats, and LOTS of orange. This was all before the team was even anywhere near a boat or the water, it was seriously MANIC (although at some point I did manage to fall asleep during it, I'm impressed with my sleeping abilities obviously inherited from Dad).

One of our colourful across-the-canal neighbours. I think the tourists strolling past may agree.

Crazy, amazing lightening and rain storms. I've never seen rain like it. The roads were indistinguishable from the canals.

Around 100 horse and carts went past during one of the storms. We have no idea what was going on but it was like being transported back to the 19th century with the rain beating down and the dim glow of the street lights illuminating people huddled on/in their carriages with umbrellas, blankets and anything to keep them dry.
I love looking out our window. It now takes up more of my time than uni work ever did!
So glad to see you are resting up! Yes, that sleeping habit definately from Dad! See you next week!! Yipeeeeee!!!! Moo does look a bit squashed, but just stay there Moo until I get there as I want to see your Mum very pregnant!
wow...I will miss the stories out your window when you leave.
But will be so happy to be so much closer to you :)
love you 3
Yeh right...only you and dad can fall asleep like that!! I on the other hand am like my mother! I never sleep, I cannot fall asleep within 10 seconds of my head hitting the pillow, I have handsome thighs...oh, but I don't listen to night time radio...yet!!!
fun and beautiful.
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