(37wks 3 days, with poppy-out belly button to gross out Kt Mac)
I just had a delivery from a maternity care company that hires out the stuff you need here in The Netherlands.

Firstly there are the bed-raisers, or the bed-hyers as the maternity care lady wrote the other day. These little babies will be popped under the legs of our bed so that it's high enough for the midwives and maternity care staff to not pop their backs. Or high enough for me to feel like a princess. Take your pick.

And secondly (this is the kinda gross part), I got a one of these. I'm not sure what the correct terminology is but it's for catching the placenta in so the midwife can have a look at it. I think this one might be put under the bed out of sight until it's needed. I do NOT need to wake up in the morning to the sight of this!
Glad you explained the placenta catcher as it looks like a nice cold stainless steel potty to me!! But really as soon as I saw it I thought placenta, that wonderful amazing bit of pregnancy!Getting close! See you next week!!!!!!!!!
wow.....it's all so exciting and amazing!
the bed raisers are funny (sorry!)
the saucepan...mmmm, imagine what you could cook up in that?!
We took Jacks placenta home and planted a tree in our garden that grew amazingly with all the goodness that was left.
A stir fry perhaps....!
It's so exciting, it's soooo close. Getting excited? I can't wait to see you with the new little bub. :)
Miss all three of you greatly.
Ha, ha...They breed them tougher over here - no bed boosters to be seen! Watch out next week - you know what Vonny will be cooking up the spag-bol in!!!!!
I have no words and could very easily throw up. Get that thing out of there and definitely hide it under the bed!
And your belly is beautiful.
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