Here are three memories of my sensational, amazing, fantastic, one of a kind sisters, each one precious and special to me in their very own ways.
Calico Strawberry Jam
My favorite memory of Cal is a fairly recent one - actually near on a year ago now. The day before Calli and Andrew were to get married was a little stressful - not badly but there was a certain amount of tension in the air. The memory I have of Cal is when we asked her about the song that Linli had made up to sing (thinking that it was for the reception, but was for the service) We were worried about singing it in the service and had asked Cal and Andrew about it. Calli stated her point very firmly and well and then listened also. It is a scene that I replay in my head when I need to be strong, but also listen to advice. It is a scene that reminds me of her incredible strength, strong will and ability to say what she wants....but also her ability to listen and make up her mind once she has all sides. I love it!
The other memory I have of her is when she arrived at a music camp concert after flying in from London, dressed in an outfit held together with safety pins! It is forever imprinted into my mind!!!
OK so KT is a little random and I have one memory of her that is my happy place. I go to that place in my mind when I need a little chuckle!
We were at a birthday party for someone and KT was sitting next to our Grandma, Den. Den was talking about her hip playing up and the doctors appointment that she was going to and KT was fiddling with the beads that Den had on. All of a sudden in the middle of Den's conversation KT burst into a made up song about beads being beautiful and Den being beautiful. Even as I write I am smiling. Yep that's my happy place! I also love the way Kate gets around the world. I am not sure how, but her love of life, her randomness and her strong sense of love is beautiful and gets her out of many situations that I would have major meltdowns in. She is inspiring!
Linny actually hates being called Linny, but she will forever be that to me! My memory of my little sister that is closest in age to me is of us being put in a canoe together on many a canoe trip. I remember being really worried about going down some particularly bad rapids, but my strong and capable, crazy and ever ready sister just kept paddling. Down we went and got through beautifully. Linli probably didn't know just how worried I was , but her strength and nature got us both down those rapids! I won't mention the skinny dipping in Macley river (that's not my story!)
The other memory I have of Linny is when I was very sick after having Connor. Brenton had to go away for work and I went up and spent some time with Lin at Lemon Tree. She was so kind. She feed me and nursed Connor and loved me well.
Memories are great to have - the real thing is infinitely better. I miss my sisters every day and wish they were here or I was there.
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