Wonderful weekends go by so quickly! It seemed that it was only yesterday that the beautiful promise of a relaxing weekend spent with family and friends was happening - yet the weekend has come and gone and now I can blog and have my very first attempt at inserting pictures!!!!
Our weekend starts with burger night on Friday night. Mum and Dad join us every Friday night and we attempt to connect with Calli and Andrew in joining with their tradition that they started. Hopefully when they are back in Oz we can all join in together. No photo's of this Friday night burgers because they were dodgy fish ones that were totally gross!
MuM and Dad stayed over on Friday night and we made our way on Saturday morning to our old and Dear friends The Smiths. Mrs Smith was very happy to see us, but old age has made her a little forgetful. It was a happy and sad time, because I remember when she remembered everything and now she had trouble remembering our names. We didn't get to see Mr Smith - again old age has him in a nursing home. We arrived home exhausted, but happy we had made the effort.
Sunday morning, instead of going for a walk in the park as that wonderful old song says, we went for a walk around our local farmers markets. This is the first time we have been and it was more of an exploration than a shopping expedition. There was some great stuff - yummy fruit and vegetables, home made pasta, organic coffee and more. Connor and Kenzi wanted to know where all the animals were - it was a farmers market after all! They were very chuffed when they got to have a pony ride.
After church Mum and Dad had lunch and then we were going to go and see if we could find the naked bike ride. Kenzi wanted to participate, Connor wasn't sure! Anyway we never did find it! Secret location!
Connor had a ten pin bowling party to go to that night!
Monday is school and preschool day and I got to sew. One gift for our Goddaughter Trinity who turns 5 this week.
Another bag for Kenzi's room - all her toys are being sorted into different bags and she is allowed one bag at a time. You may call me a tyrannical mother if you like, but i have to do the tidy up with her when everything is out and it is not pretty.
I also finished a pair of tights that I made out of a size 24 T-shirt.
I was asked to cover the prayer book for bible study. This is what I came up with.
Oh also on the weekend we found some facepaint and I painted both Connor and Kenzi's face. Kenzi wanted to paint mine, but we ran out of time - oh dear.
This afternoon was beach afternoon and it was wonderful. Even I ventured in to the water - at 22 degrees I figured it was safe. We took some cool shadow pictures.
Have other things to write but am very excited about the pictures. So until next time - Happy Sailing and Goodnight!
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