This time we enjoyed an afternoon of zooming around in this little car that Dad hooked up to a super fast battery! Actually it only went at walking pace and that was if you were going down hill.....but it was all very good fun. As you can see the kids did not get much of a turn. The adults were way to interested in showing how far they could get without the wheels spinning. I think Mum won the day with a mammoth effort around the lavender garden and up past the lemon tree. Beep Beep who would like to come curbside collecting on Friday???
I think we may have to find a bigger car, Grandpa and I look a bit stuffed in!! But it was so much fun, ye to the winner for getting the furthest!!!
This looks like SOOOO much fun. How come it wasn't rigged up when I was there for a bit of friendly competition??? Would I have gotten bonus points for fitting 2 in the car?!
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