Andrew's most pressing question was what happens in an emergency as we're having a homebirth and we want to make sure that everything is in place to give our kid the safest possible arrival. We found out about getting to the hospital, where it is, when to go by taxi and when to go by ambulance.
Andrew also asked what happens if I can't get down our 5 flights of stairs. He said that he could probably get me down the first 4 but as the last flight are more ladder-like than stair-like he said that this may be a problem. Our midwife then told us that they call the fire department and they take me out the window. I'd be hoping for this kind of exit if it didn't mean that either me or the kid were not doing so well!
I do so pray that planB does not have to be executed as seeing a fireman with you slung over his shoulder coming down a ladder does nothing for my calming levels!! but I do think Phil the fire engine looks cute!
Oh my...And I thought that I lost all dignity in a labour ward...But what a totally great story to tell as long as you and bubs is ok.
On second thoughts I believe that the great story can just be that they may have had to...not that they did.
Praying hard that all goes like clockwork. Remember that lady who was stuck up in a tree in the floods just before Connor was born and she gave birth...if someone can do that in a tree you can do it in your little high up apartment Fireman Sam required.
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