I have just been scrolling through and have realised that I am a terrible hog. Most of the posts over the last month or so have been me. I am sorry. It will dwindle off more when I have a life! I just find it a great way to share what I am doing in a small way and I feel part of the bigger picture - a connection to the Macdonald girls who are spread far and wide. So, sorry for my hogginess. Forgive me for my wordiness. Come home so that I don't have to blog every breath!
Keep hogging! I love it, I seriously, seriously love it. I've been studying and studying and studying for the last month so 1. I don't have anything to blog about, 2. I didn't have so much time to blog and 3. when I'd spent every last second on the computer studying I really didn't want to be on it any more than I had to. But I'm back baby, I'm back! I love the blog too, I feel so much closer to you guys.
Hog away! It makes up for my lack of blogging!!! xox
it\s the best, when i am without it i sometimes cry big crocodile tears of unfair unblogginess. My sisters are my life line and I not only want them but need them. blog on your princess blogging warrior xxx
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