I have a hard time sleeping in on holidays. There's just so much to do and so much to see that I want to get out of bed as soon as possible to start doing and seeing. Today I woke up and started to bleach and stamp.

Yesterday's kringloop trip loaded me up with crafty stuff that I was itching to start stitching. Hehe, not really but I couldn't resist the rhyme. I bought some doilies that I want to stitch onto things but I didn't like the colour so I decided to bleach them in the hopes of gaining a better colour.

It didn't really work. The bright red one turned a bright orange. The other one is still soaking so here's hoping that it will be better!

I also got this groovy stampy thing. Cool huh? Especially for 6o cents with 3 little stamp pads and a gazillion letters in a wooden box. Now that's what I call a score.
PS I'm totally loving Emiliana Torrini at the moment. She is my current soundtrack.
I am excited about christmas not just pool volley ball but also the crafty presents my sisters will give me!!! And you can love all the foreign presents I will give you!! yes cal I did it again you get more than one present due to my lack of memmory! x
It all looks great. Perhaps you need dye to do the doilies? The bag is beautiful. You are a clever chicky.
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