This was Kenzi's grace tonight for tea.
"God, please help all the sick people get better like Diggory's mummy (Magician's Nephew - Narnia reference)
Please help all the baboon's with pink bottoms.
And God please help all the fluffers - you know all the people who fluff.
Oh and thank you for the food. Amen."
Needless to say we were wetting ourselves!
I have no idea how my child is like she is, but I kind of like her odd, quirky nature. I just hope her Kindy teacher is prepared!
I'm glad she's been praying for me (I admit that I'm one of the fluffers). Can't wait to be there and experience EVERYTHING (2 weeks and I"m there!).
Emily is a fluffer too!! But it is hilarious as I ask her who's bottom made that sound and she instantly points at Madi!
Good so both Kenz and maddi take after their best aunt... Me Quirky and fluffy liar!!!
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