I am shocked, amazed and blessed to over OVER flowing!
Jamila the youngest tiniest of the 30 girls taken in at only 2mths old.
She cries all the time especially when she sees muzungos!
The childrens home at sunset... Fertile or just blessed by God for all the good work that happens there... The coconut trees in abundance and man are the coconuts yummmmy!

She cries all the time especially when she sees muzungos!
(Muzungos are white people!)
Start to my typical orphanage day... 7am cow milking with Joshua. No cement,no machine, no stool but worse of all no gumboots!!
There are 6 cows and the two produce enough milk for all the girls daily. They only have milk in their chai (huge Indian/aribic population and influence in Mombasa). No other dairy yet most grow so tall... How do their bones grow with only about 1/2 cup milk per day as their total dairy/calcium intake????
Mind boggles but I'm just glad they do grow!
Dinner time/home work time. It is so different here even in 'normal' families the chldren are a lot less supported and pampered and a LOT more is expected of them. I just can't switch to that and treat the girls like they would be treated in Oz. Like children, no responsibility or work... Which one is good which one is bad or ar they just different??
Slender, strong, beautiful colourfully wrapped Masai men wander the city and beaches most of them authentic and they truly are beautiful, elegant and regal!
You sure you can't bring some home for us for Christmas? So wish I could have experienced this with you. Darn exams, they control my life!
A kid I mean, not a coconut!
I saw this before you'd finished the post and I've been checking back every few seconds to see the end. It's A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Wow, Wow, Wow.
Ha ha ha I hate these coputers and internet most of the time it wont let me save so I have to post 1/2 finished and it is sooo annoying I just always hope noone sees them before I finish!!!! Sometimes I'm lucky!! xxx
it sounds amazing...just amazing. I don't know how you are going to leave them????? Happy to hear about 1 year in Oz. Road trip to Sydney, I'm in..as well as Connor and Kenzi. Take care of your heart. Come home safe, so we can look after you and send you back out again. You are amazing, totally amazing.
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