Instead of olliebollen we got break dancing nerds. Four guys in matching red tracksuits (who looked as if they'd be more comfortable in front of a computer) were dancing in the square, and they were good! So we watched and wandered home. Wandered in a kind of 'I can't feel my nose and I possibly have drool running from my chin but it's so cold I can't feel it so I think I need to get home before I catch my death of cold' kind of way. I just don't think I was built for a cold climate (I was wearing almost every piece of clothing in my cupboard that I could fit on).

Andrew and I are spending today doing stuff. Together. He leaves on Monday for 3 weeks, South Africa and then England. Poor abandoned wife. But pretty good timing cause my life narrows down to uni books, the computer and anything else to do with Property Law and Civil Procedure for the next few weeks. That's going to make for some fun blog posts!

PS You can polaroid your photos here but I don't think the PC version is there yet (sorry, I'm a smelly Mac user).
I love the Polaroid photos. Snobby Mac user!
Sad about Andrew leaving. I hate Brenton being away...hate, hate, hate.
But you can focus on things other than smooching, and laughing and those other crazy great things that are essential, but incredibly time consuming!!!!!!!
Tell ANdrew to have a good time away.
You study hard and be all nice and over all of that by the time you are out here...no books!
Love Trin
Ps. Went to a cute little market today called Olive Tree Markets. Very crafty people here. None on in December though. Bummer!
How did Andrew grow his hair sooo quickly for the later photo's?
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