Except that it's a big world map. A kahoona big world map. This beauty was found in a kringloop outside of Amsterdam. I saw a couple unrolling a big map and almost fainted at the coolness of it and then I noticed there was another one. I ran, not walked or meandered or loped but ran, over and scooped it up. The couple came back for the second one but I had claimed it, it was mine, all mine.

I dragged it around for over an hour while we looked around the kringloop and as we were nearing the end it dawned on me that the map may not fit in the V.E.R.Y small car we had come in. Maybe we could leave the baby and take my map instead? The next minutes were sad ones as I realised that the emotional connection that had formed between me and MY map may have to end. I asked the ladies at the counter if I could take the map and try to fit it in the car. Joy of joys, it fitted! With only a finger space left between the map and the back window.

So it came home in the little red car. Actually, it came most of the way home in the little red car and the rest of the way on my bicycle. And wasn't that a sight to behold! Over two metres of map running from my saddle bag along my side and over the handlebars. As well as bags and baskets of other stuff that I got (buttons, webbing, jugs, abacus, Chrissy presents etc). I made it home and tonight I'm going to go to sleep knowing that it is a small world after all and my sisters are not so far away, they're in the world just above my bed.
Way, way, way cool map!!! Good one Ferry - I can just see you running to snatch the map!! See Trinny - you and I are really very close now! Only about 2.5 cms away from each other!! Can you post me a map like this for Christmas Ferry?!?
cool, guess andy gets no choice where it goes!!! found many cool thingd on my trips i would have run for but not possible, God should punish arilines for having bag and weight limits, who cares if the plane falls from the sky due to over-weightness as long as me and my family have foreign treasures!!!!
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