Saturday 28 May 2011

Speaking of Famous...

Andrew got his pic in the local rag, he's the one on the ladder sanding the gazebo. We (including Langlan in a backpack) were at a local school from 8-5 last Saturday painting, sanding, cleaning and anything else that needed doing.

Our church chooses a project each year (it generally seems to be a school) and we go in and do whatever they want us to. This school badly needed an injection of love, and it looked amazing after being blitzed on Saturday. It's amazing what a bunch of people can do in one day.


Triniti the Luddite said...

We were very inspired by this when we were at your church. what an amazing way to show love and care to the community....and langlan has started young...yeh!
I am surrounded by famous people. I will have to get my old autograph book out and take it around with me!

Kt Mac said...

Darn it Andy I get paid less and work harder (;-)and get a breif new spot and you get your butt in the news paper... I'll have to try harder! Your church wasn't my style but it rocks with doing things like that and nice people too. xxx