Tuesday 13 September 2011


See these shoes? These shoes are winning shoes. Well, one pair of these shoes are winning shoes. And they're mine!

Andrew and I went bowling for datenight seeing as we have live-in babysitters at the moment.

I took this photo as a memento of the only time I would beat Andrew, and then this happened:

I think sleep deprivation enhances my bowling skills.

Date bowling rocks, thanks Mum and Dad for babysitting and thanks Horse for prancing, tiptoeing and whirling down the bowling alley with/for me. That was even better than winning.


Triniti the Luddite said...

Yippee for date nights, live in babysitters and fab bowling.
Kenzi says she remembers bowling when she went to someones birthday party. it was fun!

Rohan said...

i just want the shoes - for keeps!