Saturday 12 May 2012

Home Sweet Home

It's been kinda funny settling back into home after a month away. Jetlagging with a twenty month old is a killer. But we're now back to life as usual, beautiful, beautiful life.

Flying kites with Daddy during Daddy's lunchtime.

Bunnings, because it's a Saturday and that's what all good Australians do on Saturdays.

Cycling along the bottom of Australia.

And peanut butter thievery. Lots of that.


Triniti the Luddite said...

glad you are over the lag. love the homey photos just as much as the jet setting ones.
i love that cheeky boy way more!

Mum...xoxoxox said...

Looks like a great life style! Oh that last photo looks like Jett!! Love u all!

Rohan said...

seriously the cutest little bloke in the world!