Tuesday 24 July 2012


Every week Kenzi has a topic given to her that she needs to talk about in front of her class. It's a great take on the old news break when kids bring in their stuffed toys and talk about them! There have been many and varied topics. One of my favourite to date is the time when she showed our blog to the whole class.
However, I think tomorrows may be just as great. Kenzi this week had to make up an imaginary animal. She had to describe it and also draw a picture of it. After tea we always have a bit of a practise for the next day. Here is how it went.
Kenzi: "My imaginary animal is totally invisible. Nobody has ever seen it. Nobody knows what it looks like. They see where it has been because it leaves a slight heat haze in the air when it dashes away."
She then proceeded to hold up a blank A4 page...a hand drawn picture of her invisible made up animal.
The funny thing is that she asked us why we were all wetting ourselves laughing. In her crazy, creative,  imaginary world this was a totally valid description and picture. I love this kid. She is a crazy mix of blessing and challenge to parent, but I would not change that for the world. She is a joy giver this girl of mine.


Calli Strawberry Jam said...

Hah, I love it! And that would be why there are no accompanying photos, its invisible!

Linny said...

Ha ha love that imagination Kenzi!