Friday 28 December 2012

A White Christmas

The only white thing around for our UK Christmas was Langlan's cast but it was a good (but different) one anyway.

Langlan got discharged from hospital on Christmas Eve so we were all pretty zonked Christmas morning although the Christmas elves perked things up.

The celebrations stretched across 2 days, shifting around the waking and happy hours of Mr L.

My photos are pretty dodge, keeping one little crippled boy and one little hungry girl happy was my main priority. And that was the best Christmas present, two kidlets, one husband, one extended family and a leg of lamb. Perfect.

The break:

And the new wheels:

Had a docs visit today and the ortho is really happy with how it's all gone. Yay!

1 comment:

Triniti the Luddite said...

the only white thing we had was Dudushka's white bunny rabbit and the white and grey storm clouds that hung around all day!
The elves look smashing and Langi looks like a trooper.
Lief looks way to old and grown up!