Saturday 2 March 2013

Where in the World.....

You may have noticed our lack of posts here at the Sisters 4. We have been busy. Not crazy busy, but good know the op shopping, bike riding, sewing, cuddling, beaching kind of busy. Here is a small catch-up of what has been happening in this neck of the woods.
 Fabulous fishing where fish actually take the bait.
 Attempts to visit the farm thwarted by flooded roads.
 Attempts to drive into the Aldi carpark thwarted by carparks being swimming pools!
 Conquering armies off ready to rule the world.
 Same time of day on opposites sides of our house.
 Only 19 more of these pretties to go for the big bash birthday.
 Thumbs and smiles...pretty girls all in a row.
 Most dorky school photo ever...what happens when others are put in charge of 1st day photo's cause you are too busy having a cry in the bathroom about them going off to school...I know they are not in Kindergarten, but I just love having them at home!
 The heads of Alice dolls yet to be joined to bodies and have hair!
 The feet of my fabulous husband who endured downpours while trying to watch an outdoor movie in the park...this is what we all pretty much saw!
 A little man and his fabulous mummy. Langy's special trousers were super cool...only because they allowed us some special cousin/nephew/niece time! Next time you should leave your special trousers behind and just come visit Langy-Loo.
 Sweet bundle.
 birthday teepees and special cereal
 Cookies and cream ice cream at Byron Bay. Yep, it's holidays!
 Learning to surf at Coff's. The time she got up I missed it.
 Friends and icecream...enough said.
 The spoils.
The waiting and watching.


Mumma...xoxoxoxo said...

Sure has been a busy couple of months but oh what a blessing to have all the extras around for so long even if L had to endure his big pants! Thanks L for all the extra time and fun with you all! Love you!

Calli Strawberry Jam said...

The blog can definitely wait when there's fun to be had. So glad that we got to join in some of the above mentioned fun. Whoop-whoop, here comes Colour! Oh, and the dolls are FABULOUS. As are all the awesome kids. Cx