Thursday 25 February 2010

Scraping the Bottom

You know that gene pool that you hear about?  Well from the looks of these photos I think we may have just come from the bottom of it.  This is what Dad and I got up to, in between napping and snacking.  Geelong is a tough place to hang out I tell you.The gravitational pull of the earth gets stronger the closer you get to the South Pole.  Notice the effects of this phenomenon above.Notice the effects of prolonged nose picking over an extended period of time.  Younger exhibit has some way to go to reach older exhibits enlarged nostril size.  Older exhibit may also be trying to squeeze something out of another orifice.Brains?  There's such a lot of room at the top of Dad's head that there must be something going on inside there.  And I definitely got the long Macdonald ears.Please, can anyone tell me who this looks like?  I'm sure there's a striking resemblance here to someone that we know but I can't figure it out.  Extra brownie points for getting it right!  The future projected growth of Dad's nose.  And mine if I'm not careful...


Kt Mac said...

ha ha ha These are great and slightly scary as I look through them and see text book medical conditions for each pict. Downs, encephalopathy, stroke, tuner syndrome and more. Yikes! I do agree that dad does look like someone, how ever no browine pots here. My money is on Linli guessing or at least maling up a huge entertaining story about it even if it looks nothing liek the person she says it is!!! Good effort Cal and Dad for slothful piggies! xxx

Triniti the Luddite said...

These made water come out my nose when I laughed so loud. Lovely photo's that should definietly be used on the front of Dad's death notice when that happens...although he has way to much to do here. No heaven yet Papa.