Friday 26 February 2010

The Size of an Avocado

This jump shot is hot off the press, although I did get dressed before sitting down at the computer - I presume that squidgy butt cheeks on a leather seat and hot weather are not a match made in heaven.  We're heading towards the end of week 16 for little Moo, and I think my belly may have decided this is the week to start being pregnant rather than looking like I've overeaten for my last meal.  I can't believe that in such a short time our little baby has gone from the size of a sesame seed to the size of an avocado.  Bring on the watermelon!


Kt Mac said...

Very very cool shot- and yes YOU have a BELLY!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

and it's a baby belly :)

Triniti the Luddite said...

Oh beautiful beautiful avacado Moo belly. Just lovely. How are the passing out episodes going?
Take care of you. Love trin