Tuesday 5 October 2010

Toot-Toot CHugga-Chugga Big Not-Red Car

We bought a car. Actually, Mum, Dad and Kati bought a car for us. We trusted them with our precious dosh and they bought a car that we hadn't even seen. Actually, we haven't paid them back yet. I'm thinking that if they don't make it to New Zealand then we get an extra cut of the inheritance. Oh yeah.
PS This post is mostly for Andrew who is dying to see our car. My snorky habits are rubbing off on him!


Rohan said...

a nice big car for a growing family!
and a family that lives HERE - yay!!!!!!!
was SOOOOOOOO good to see you Cal xx

SaySewMinette said...

whoaaahhh, nice one! enjoy!

cindy lee said...

Great!I love this website very much.Welcome to my google blog ugg store.I am so happy to make friends with you Ugg Bailey Button

Triniti the Luddite said...

Hmmmm, well they made it to NZ. Looks like you need to come up with the dosh....although they are not back yet!