Saturday 2 April 2011

Our Wedding McVersary

Last night Andrew and I hit the road for our fourth wedding anniversary. Yup, it's been four whole years and a whole lot of fun and craziness. To continue the fun and craziness we decided that rather than have a grown-up meal at a grown-up restaurant we would try and hit every drive-thru in Geelong. We would buy one item at each restaurant, tell each other a highlight of our four years, eat and then head to the next restaurant. Here's how far we got:

*Red Rooster, salt and pepper calamari
*Hungry Jacks, orange juice
*McDonalds, fries
*KFC, zinger
*McDonalds, fanta
*Bendigo Bank drive-thru ATM, $50
*McDonalds, cheese burger
*McDonalds, McDouble
*KFC, Gaytime krusher (which I had to order cause Andrew just couldn't bring himself to ask the teenage boy for a Gaytime!)
*Red Rooster, garden salad
*Hungry Jacks, cookies and cream storm

After 11 drive-thrus we were done, thankfully it was time for us to go home for Langlan's feed and I'm not sure we could have stomached any more drive-thru food.

We've had four amazing years. Every time we had to come up with a highlight of our four years we'd take ages because there's been so many. I have the best husband in the world (he's the only one I've had but I feel I'm an authority on this, I'm sure some others out there will disagree!). Yeppity-yep.


Rohan said...

Happy Anniversary!
Yay to 4 years and here's to many many many more!

Love you both and your beautiful family. Enjoy the highlights and the lowlights, it's all part of the fun.
p.s. impressed with the choice way to celebrate! xx said...

we walked down the back a few weeks ago and stood at the dam and remembered that glorious morning of the first! Where did that 4 years fly off to!! Congrats and God bless you loads. Glad it was you 2 eating all that lovely take away and not us!!

Linny said...

Yes, what a day...I just remember that I had to keep checking that my breast pads hadn't moved and I wasn't leaking all over my dress!!! Glad you celebrated with such yummy food!

Triniti the Luddite said...

you guys are awesome and very creative. always remember to keep it real and fun. i love hearing and seeing the adventure that is your marriage.