Monday 1 August 2011


I have our camera sitting next to me, all hooked up to the computer ready to download pictures of yesterday. 

The first problem is the battery is dead.  So, the charger is sitting next to the camera. 

The second problem is I need an adapter because the charger plug isn't the Australian type.  So, two adapters are sitting next to the charger. 

The third problem is that one adapter needs a new fuse and the second adapter won't fit.

Obviously the photos of yesterday will have to wait a little longer to be shared but here's some twinkly candles in our Fowlers bottling jars to look at instead. 

Pretty, huh?


Mum...xoxoxoxo said...

I bet Mr Fowler never thought to put candles in his jars!! Very cute, yes! Oh the worries of this modern age with flat batteries and no chargers didn't have to worry about that when I was your age, they hadn't been invented!!!!

Andrew W said...

Vonny, how did you see the dinosaurs with no chargers for your torch?

Triniti the Luddite said...

So pretty.
I am very envious of your jars you know...very envious.