Friday 5 March 2010

The Parentals

(Watching the ducky-birdy things that I can't remember the name of catching fish.)
(Wandering around the ocean baths.)
(Us 3.5 and a jelly fish from the ocean baths.)
Mum, Dad and I did get up to stuff other than taking silly photos while they were down here.  Although mostly it involved walking from one cafe to the next snack spot whilst taking silly photos in between!  
(I swear I fed him while he was down here.)
(No competition for Whoppa-Titty.)
(You look so pretty...)
(Flat capping, just for Gary Morgan.)
It was so nice to have them down here and to do a little exploring of Geelong with them.  Our days would start out on the balcony with Dad commenting on the ships coming and going through the bay and the pair of plubbers that were usually on the roof (he got a little distraught when only one was there for a few days).  Then there was wandering around the town/shops/water followed by lunch and then naps for Dad and I whilst Mum did mum things like iron Andrew's shirts and clean out the bottom of the dishwasher.  The afternoons consisted of much the same as the mornings and then dinner on the balcony with Andrew.  It was such a nice, chilled week.  
(Artistic representation of Dad's sheds.  Yep, he had some of the stuff in the pile.)
We did venture out of Geelong on Saturday and went into Melbourne.  We wandered around the Sustainable Living Fair in Federation Square most of the day and then headed to the Queen Vic Markets.  Unfortunately mostly everything was shut so Mum and Dad didn't get to sample all the delicacies I had been raving about.  However, it was even better because the few stall holders that were left open were wanting to offload the fruit and veg that they had left over.  For a grand sum of $7 (or maybe $8 or $9, I can't remember what Mum spent) we got, rough approximates: 8 kilos of plums, 3 kilos peaches, 1 kilo nectarines, 1 kilo tomatoes, beans, snow peas, red capsicums, zucchini, and 2 cabbages (and possibly other stuff I've forgotten).  The cabbages were funny cause a guy came up to Mum and tried to sell them to her for $1.  Mum said no because we couldn't carry them with all the stuff we already had.  The guy went away and was soon back and said she could have them for free.  Well, suddenly we could make room if they were free!  So 2 cabbages came home with us as well!  We stewed and boiled and chopped and froze when we got home and we're still going on the delicious haul that we brought home.
(Figuring out how to get our haul back to the car.  In the end, after offloading a few plums onto a friendly Canadian, we sat on a bench while Andrew hiked back to the car and came and picked us up.)
We've also still got a few stolen apples.  We did a few open houses on the weekend and each of the houses had apple trees.  Mum and Andrew were rather sticky-fingered and we ended up with some 'free' apples as well.

So, thanks for coming down Mum and Dad.  If we move here I think we should make a habit of it!


Triniti the Luddite said...

oh i want to come and visit too. it sounds and looks so fun. I am getting onto the cheap flight website and seeing when we can fit a visit in!
YOu so have to move there. It looks like a Calli and Andrew and Moo pace to be for a time...although Newcastle is also good.
Very glad that we can share Mum and Dad now that you are around. for years I have felt like a hog!

MacD said...

always room for freebies your a macdonald! Dad was breas feeding off a wooden doll in public! Disgraceful. Looks awsome but I think it is the people that make a place- hench why ever where you visit or live are amazing. xx