Saturday 6 March 2010

Watch out for Sharks

(Randomly choosen photo from my sample photo's - 'cause it's autumn and all)
We have all sorts of conversations here in this house. Some start because people mishear what is being said.
Exhibit A
Me: "Connor can you run and ask Mumma to get some bin bags from Coles when she goes?"
Connor: "Sure" (Connor quickly exits the house and catches Mumma before she zooms off in her car, then he comes back in and says)
"Mumma says that she can't get them at Coles, but perhaps she might find some on the side of the road."
Me: " Ah Connor what did you ask Mumma to get."
Connor: "Bean bags Mummy!"

Some conversations start because other people have talked to my kids about things and it is not clear in their head.
Exhibit B
Kenzi: "Mummy I think when I give birth I would like it to be a water birth."
Me: "Ah, Ok. That sounds like fun!"
Kenzi: "Mummy, we will have to be careful of sharks though."
Apparently after having a conversation with Aunti Strawberry about different sort of births you could have Kenzi has decided that in an ocean somewhere will be the best place to birth my grandchild! I guess that I will be there fending off the wild beasties while her husband keeps her head above water!
Yep, I love conversations and the way they give me insights into my kidlets crazy and wildly imaginative minds.


Calli Strawberry Jam said...

Oh wow, these are so precious! Andrew thought it was hilarious that Mum thought that the side of the road was the place to look for bean bags, that's the scab in her coming out! Tell Kenzi that she could still have her baby in the ocean, I watched a video of a lady having a baby in a creek/lake/ocean at an alternative birthing centre. I don't think there were any sharks though.


MacD said...

so so cute and I am glad you are remembering these for our delight! Yey for road side Stram ( I am slowly winning her over I think it was the 4th stroller that did it!!) And yey for natural births even in shark infested oceans ;-)