Monday 2 August 2010


Vonny is off scouring the fabric market (although it's started raining so I don't know how fun that will be) so I thought I'd pop some photos up here. There's been lots happening but the baby seems to be taking all my energy for anything other than being in the moment, napping, sleeping, snoozing and then napping some more. I don't think Mum's ever seen anything like it!

Here's a few pics of the bump from recent times.The Amsterdam bump. 38 weeks and a few days. Check out the egg with legs!!!Minette sent her face paints home with me on Saturday and yesterday Andrew became all artiste and turned me into a stained glass window. I've just showered and thought I got it all off before a visit to the midwife this afternoon but I've noticed I've left some on that I could only see when I looked in the mirror after my shower. Oops, I guess it will give the midwife a chuckle. 39 weeks exactly.


Anonymous said...

beautiful, and so many amzing photos to treasure.
I think i have none.

SaySewMinette said...

nice artwork Andrew! Did it feel like you were in kindergarten again...? funny, my baby had to come out of the emergency exit... ha ha!

Triniti the Luddite said...

Kenzi looked at this and so wanted to be able to paint your tummy. She also said whoo to the size. To me it is beautiful. Lovely lovely.