Tuesday 14 October 2008

Listen Closely, Cause I Have to Whisper

I had a crafty evening with the girls last night but I was so busy crafting, eating and chatting (well, really more busy eating and chatting than crafting) that I forgot to take any pictures.  You'll just have to take my word for it that it was SO nice having a few girls around to sit about, stitch, munch and yak.  Good.  Good.  Good.  And in place of last night, I give you...The Weekend!
I'm about to whisper, so come closer.  I have a secret to admit.  I like Autumn better than Summer.  Shhhh.  Don't squeak and let anyone else know that I've just admitted something that I NEVER thought I would.  Anyway, the season-love gets all changed around in the Northern Hemisphere.  
In Summer I'm expecting sunshine and beaches and ice cream and warm bones and overhead fans.  So when it's rainy and grey and occasionally ridiculously muggy and there's mosquitos and sometimes you even have to wear a scarf and put the heater on, that's just not fun.  
So when Autumn comes, and you know it's meant to be overcast but it feels more cozy and broody than Summer grey, and the leaves start to change colour and float in blankets on the canals, and the sun comes out some days to squeeze out just a little bit of warmth, then it's ok to put a scarf on, to snuggle on the couch under a blanket and drink warm milo.  
And it's wonderful to be outside, to be rained on, sunned on , winded on and just generally feel all ruddy and alive.  That's what we did on Sunday.  
We filled a thermos, a grand pink thermos-thanks Kt Mac, full of yummy carrot soup and after church headed into Amsterdamse Bos.  We hung our legs over the side of a bridge and sipped our soup and sunned our noses.  
Then we went wandering and found crazy carnivorous plants and got our toes wet in the boggy bits.  Oh Autumn.  How I love thee.


Triniti the Luddite said...

Mmmmmm, mid seasons here are my fav!
Your weekend looks delectable and divine!
Had thought you were off air again galavanting about somewhere so blogged boring stuff from across the net - then I find your post all beautiful and lovely and it didn't even get top spot for very long!
Very happy to here about what you are up to. What did you craft?

Kimberly Foster said...

i want Autumn to come to Cambodia!! In my group of friends we have lot's of nicknames...I am Autumn in our four seasons nicknames!!

Kt Mac said...

Pink thermos rock!!!!!!!!!!!