Monday, 23 November 2009

Cool family picts!!


Calli Strawberry Jam said...

Ooh, cool. The McLachlan's (you know Andrew's friend Frank?) have family photos like the naked butt one. They have one each time there was a kid added to the family, Andrew says they're fantastic.


Kt Mac said...

In the far off future my hubby better be a nudist cause I am SOOO doing the nude photo thing- and ha ha ah to Andy and Cal cause you guys are the photograhper and costume artist- my boobs may need some costume help Cal!!!! XXX

Anonymous said...

One thing I'll never understand is why parents take naked pictures of their family. Are you just dying that bad to see your kids naked? Is it really that comforting holding your naked kid to your naked body? Fun Fact: Those nudists you hear about are just intelligent incest/pedophiles. You want a good family picture tip? Keep everyone's clothes on. And for the love of sweet baby Jesus, if you're hankering to see your kids naked, go see a therapist instead of insisting they take lewd photographs with you. Remember folks, nudity is a sexual thing, so try and keep your pants on in the company of others.

Anonymous said...

Back off its not your family it's there choose

Anonymous said...

You need to back off asshole it doesn't concern you what they do is there business so SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU SHORT SIDED PRICK