Friday 3 April 2009


Remember Harvest Festival's at Maitland Salvo's dear sisters?  My memories consist of precisely two things: hessian sacks full of seeds to run your hands through and mushy peas.  I was sent hurtling back to both those memories last Saturday.  Once was when I opened a can of mushy peas to go with our fish and chips dinner (a Welsh/Worthing thing) and smelt the contents.  I hated the Saturday-day of Harvest Festivals.  Our house would stink of rotten, smelly peas as Mum cooked up a big pot to go with the hotdogs to be sold that night.  I never went near a spoonful of the fetid stuff.  But I think I may be joining the dark side, I ate these mushy peas and enjoyed them!  I think it may have been the added food colouring that had them looking so Springish.  And the second hurtling back moment, when we went into the hardware store and they had sacks of seeds out the back.  Oh how I wanted to plunge my hands in and slither about in the seeds.


Triniti the Luddite said...

No don't cross over. Yuk, yuk yuk.
Seriously peas in a can?????????
MMMMMMMM and running hands through seeds. Nothing like it. Thanks for the memories.

Kt Mac said...

Nooooo how can you. I still gag at the thought! And the harvest display out the front and wehn Jenny McLeod collapsed the chair and want made for it being so flimpsy!!!!!!!