Wednesday 22 April 2009

Food for Free

Life narrows down when uni gets busy.  It becomes all about the essentials.  Showering (VERY essential), eating, sleeping, playing with my boy (most essential of all).  Last week's essentials were spiced up a bit, with wild garlic.  Yup, the financial crisis has hit Amsterdam and we've started foraging for our food.  Joking.  Or maybe not.  Shops have been shutting down and most of last week's meals had bits of nature in them.  

We collected a BIG bag of wild garlic on our way to church on Sunday and it ended up in Sundays omelette, Mondays pasta (as pesto), Tuesdays chicken salad, Thursday's couscous salad, Friday's burgers and other various sandwiches and dips.  You can read more about the why's and wherefores on the boy's blog.  All I can add is that it is good, all bitey and garlic and green and best of all, free as a bird.

PS Looking back over this post, I hadn't realised how many of our meals were eaten sitting on the ground.  Monday: on a big old pier with Ben, Rebecca and Nafta (who was ockey-strapped to the post for safety reasons), Thursday on cushions on the floor cause it was a middle eastern feast and that's the only way it can be eaten, Friday in front of the open doors cause it was sunny out but still a little too chilly to be totally outside.  I LOVE good weather in Amsterdam.


Triniti the Luddite said...

Yum the food looks great and the ocky straps - hilarious.

Linny said...

Mmmm...yum garlic!! I was having a laugh already at how many times you were photographed eating on the floor even before you pointed it out yourself!! I just thought you were trying to be cool! Would you like me to buy you a chair for your Birthday? Or Trin could send you her poof to sit on - she likes to share?!?!?