Sunday 9 August 2009


Did you know that Dr. Suess's first book was rejected 27 times before it was published?
Did you know that Green Eggs and Ham was written because his publisher made a bet with him that he could not write a book using the 50 words that he gave him?
These things and more we learnt when we went to an art exhibition of Dr. Suess art.
He was amazing and his books....well legend really.
So, do you like green eggs and ham?


Calli Strawberry Jam said...

Apparently Dr Seuss was pretty barmy, but thank goodness otherwise he wouldn't have tried for the 28th time to get his book published. And what would our lives have been like without the magnificent Dr Seuss?

Speaking of kids books, did you know there's going to be a 'Where the Wild Things Are' movie? Have a look on YouTube.

Triniti the Luddite said...

Have seen the shorts.
The creative producers and makers must have had a feild day with the costumes! I love that book. We have a friend who has a little boy called Max and he is wild!
Brenton used the trailer for a preach he did the other night.
I am going to be a librarian for 3 days a week starting in Sept and finishing in October. Just 3 days, but I get to read to kids all day...which is what I do on weekends and week nights so now I will get payed as well.
Yep, Dr seuss is cool.

Kt Mac said...

Trinny that is SUPER- you will be a pretty librarian, there are not many of them. And not scary and exciting story reader. Yipeee.
And that's all very fascinating information about our freind Dr Seuss. WOW what a persistent and think skinned man.