Wednesday 20 May 2009


Date night happens every Wednesday night in our house (or Tuesday if the heater man is coming to test the radiators on Wednesday night).  Date night also has a budget in our house.  Some weeks we spend as little as possible (banana pancakes eaten on a picnic blanket in front of the open doors) so that the next week we can have a big(ish) blow out.  Last night was a medium kind of night, we went out and shared a pizza, bought ice cream on the walk home, and ate it with home-made vegan(!) brownies (really good but next time I'd use a little less oil).  After that we started mucking around 'face dancing'.  And then, a movie had to be made.  Here it is.  And seriously, you should try face dancing, fun to do, HILARIOUS to watch.


Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmmm, i am not sure what to say first!

I have never seen face dancing before (maybe that explains it all)

I want the world to know that you are not a wheelchair bound couple (although it's a great new way to 'get out' for those that are!)

Maybe there was something in the Pizza??

Or the ice cream???

Or could it be the oil in the brownies????!!!!!!!!

I can't wait to show Britt, it really should be on her list of 'must dos'

You are so right,
H I L A R I O U S to watch!!

Love you both :)

Triniti the Luddite said...

How fun.
Cal your hair looks great and neither of you spat or dribbled during that whole time. Well done!
Next you should try a slow ballad - I will always love you or something like that!

Linny said...

Ha ha ha...all Emily could say was "Mummy, Mummy" and I said "No it's Aunty Calli" but she is insisted "No, no it Mummy"!!! Now you may want to change your hair do!! Cause you apparently look like me now! LUCKY YOU!!!!!

Triniti the Luddite said...

Connor an dknezi said that this was great and needed to see it at least 5 times!!!!!!