Tuesday 12 May 2009

My Island Home

I just had an epiphany.  Prepare yourselves girls, it's big...
We all live on islands.  They range from not too big, to the biggest but I think it's just another thing that keeps us all connected, along with shared genes, sharing jeans, matching childhood clothes, incredible cooking talents and beautiful blue eyes.

Looks like Andrew and I will have to keep the whole island thing going for our next move...


Anonymous said...

what a great idea!
You too can move to the biggest island of all....and you can all live on the same island! (well almost)
closer at least!!

Triniti the Luddite said...

So where you going lovey???????
I think if you are talking islands there is Carrington.
Oh, I agree with anon. I always agree with anon cause she wants us all here.

Kt Mac said...

Cool bananas Island thought!