Wednesday 27 May 2009

Bubbly Princesses

We play princesses on a regular basis. And lets face it, every princess has a right to a royal tiara or crown. This week we made bubble wrap crowns. We cut them into shape, stuck stickers on them if we wanted them to be really fancy or just left them bubbly and plain if we were less of the 'look at me, tissy, sparkly bling loving' princess. We then attached some elastic - oh hat elastic how I do love thee! And KAPOW 2 very special, very shinny princess crowns. In these we tittered and curtsied and peeled potatoes all afternoon.
The very cool thing for Connor and Pobj was that they could walk up and bust bubbles on our head at random!


Calli Strawberry Jam said...

IKEA will be after your idea, flat pack crowns! Although I'm a little worried that Connor and Brenton might have been trying to walk on your head to burst the bubbles.

Linny said...

Ha,ha...I would join in the popping! Emi would love to join in and make a crown! Madi would just run around and slobber on everything!