Friday 9 October 2009

Up in the Blue Sky

It was sunny outside today.  I was hanging out on the couch, again.  So, to celebrate the sun coming out today, I'm going to tell you about the most beautiful sunny day we had awhile ago (there have been sunny days since, they just weren't as photographed as this one).
The International Kite Festival was on in Scheveningen (try saying that one).  
Andrew and I went to the American Protestant Church in the Hague as Andrew's colleague had invited us along (I thought they might sign us up as Americans, or make us pledge allegiance to the flag, or some other patriotic stars and stripes kind of thing but unfortunately no such excitement).   We churched, chatted and then headed to the beach.  It was the perfect day for a kite festival.  
A little bit windy, a whole lot sunny, and a ridiculous amount of kites.  It was like laying on the bottom of the ocean, staring up into the big blue with fantastical sea creatures floating by.  It was so incredibly peaceful.  All this activity, but none of the noise that usually goes along with it (I crave quiet, which I don't get a lot of, thankyou very much tour boats who insist on tooting their horns as they go past our apartment).  
There were professionals dancing kites around the skies, kids flying homemade kites, old men with strings tied around their bottoms that stretched 180 kites long into the sky, fish, sharks and sting rays, half-naked mermaids, rings, airplanes, stars and so many more beautiful, beautiful kites.  
It's made me want to go fly a kite, up to the highest heights, and send it soaring...


Anonymous said...

thank you.
we so love to catch up and feel like we know what's going on in your world.
we love to be a part of every part of your lives - the sunshine kite flying days, the sad poppy kinda days and all the other 'on the lounge' days in between xx

Kt Mac said...

oh wow oh wow!!! It was magical, I got kiddy goose bumps from thinking what it would have been like from the superb picts and cal comments.... So enchanting and so very very special! Yey for wind yey for sun and even more yey's for kites in any shape or form, there is something so freeing and beautiful about a kite flying in the blue yonder...

Triniti the Luddite said...

Lovely. This was my happy place for today. Thank you.

Linny said...

i bought the girls a kite the other day! well, actually i got it sort of free...for eating bread! we tried very hard the other day to fly it...but not enough wind! emi didn't understand i had to run around the yard with the kite in my hand as she ran in front with the string!!! very funny...and tiring!