Saturday 1 March 2008

Cheeky husbands & tripple dates!!

Due to not my husband (as I am footloose) but my sisters husband saying i would not use this site much- here i am first to post!!! Red rag and bull is all I can say Andy-pants!!

Let the dice roll- well done Cal, always the initiator and brain behind many a good idea.

Hmm sisters this is me; at current I transform 5 days per wk into a caring skilled (?!) smurf! (photos to be added). I get to wear my pj's at work and look at the body from the inside out. There is something truly beautiful, amazing, graffic and perfectly structured about seeing a 6mth old heart beating or a fresh kidney in a jar.....

I am one of 4 adorable sisters whom i love 'i will always love my sisters...' They love and accept me for me slightly clumsy, crazy, forgetful, strong, bad spelling, slow reading, creative, sensitive self. I love and dislike living in Dublin and miss my sisters like chocolate in a chocchip cookie, like sun at the beach and like milo on ice-cream.....

Oh and I almost forgot- they love me cause I spice things up, i create havoc and have them laughing and crying for me in a breath. Laugh along with me I have 3 "dates" 3 nationalities in 1 day!!!!! This should be fun... Watch this space and get on in big sisters-both of you literally bigger ;)

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